Usage: java -Xmx3500M -cp MSGFPlus.jar edu.ucsd.msjava.ui.ScoringParamGen -i ResultPath (MSGFDBResultFile (*.mzid) or MSGFDBResultDir) -d SpecDir (Path to directory containing spectrum files) -m FragmentMethodID (0: CID, 1: ETD, 2: HCD) -inst InstrumentID (0: Low-res LCQ/LTQ, 1: High-res LTQ, Orbitrap, Lumos, 2: TOF, 3: Q-Exactive) -e EnzymeID (0: Trypsin, 1: Chymotrypsin, 2: Lys-C, 3: Lys-N, 4: glutamyl endopeptidase, 5: Arg-C, 6: Asp-N, 7: alphaLP, 8: no cleavage) [-protocol ProtocolID] (0: NoProtocol (Default), 1: Phosphorylation, 2: iTRAQ, 3: iTRAQPhospho, 4: TMT)
How to use a custom scoring parameter file?
How to make a parameter file for a new fragmentation method or a new enzyme?
What is "protocol" and how to define it?
java -Xmx3500M -cp MSGFPlus.jar edu.ucsd.msjava.ui.ScoringParamGen -i results -d . -m 2 -inst 1 -e 10